Janani Chalaka

Bombay Jam


Email: janani@monakhancompany.com

Location: Bay Area, California

Certifications/Qualifications: AFAA (Group Fitness), AFAA Certified Personal Trainer, AFAA Examiner for Group Exercise Certifications, Bombay Jam®

Cities where i teach: Milpitas, Fremont, CA

About me: Bombay Jam® is the best Bollywood dance fitness program in the fitness industry. It gives you a total body workout with cardio and toning all in a one hour class. This format itself is unique to a fitness class. I have been a fitness instructor for 20 years and people have always flocked to Bollywood classes as there is nothing like it! Attracting people to class because it is new is one thing, but retaining your students for years speaks volumes about the content!

My fitness philosophy: You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have!
